家庭晚餐 Family Dinner2022,家庭晚餐 Family Dinner...
鲨人蟾儿,迷幻解码,迷声幻音怪事多,解码器 Decoder...
血红天空,血色天空,Blood Air,血色天劫 Blood Red Sky...
老人 Old People2022,老人 Old People...
双面特务(台),特工,Die Agentin,女特工 The Operative...
Black Island,暗黑之岛 Schwarze Insel...
Necronos - Tower of Doom,末日之塔 Necronos...
食人魔的晚餐,食人晚宴 Cannibal Diner...
Cub,幼兽 Welp...
Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies,背带短裤丧尸来袭 Angriff der Lederhosen Zombies...
31,三十一 31...
The Scary House,The Strange House,诡秘阴宅 Das schaurige Haus...
死二月 Deathcember2019,死二月 Deathcember...