Let’s Scare Julie to Death,吓吓朱莉 Let's Scare Julie...
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我心略狂疯狂的心,我心略狂 Madness Inside Me...
小镇惊魂Dreadout: Tower of Hell,鬼入鏡:靈之鬼跡(台),小镇惊魂 DreadOut...
小心身后小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
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邪恶之眼Welcome to the Blumhouse: Evil Eye,邪恶之眼 Evil Eye...
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血船血船 Blood Vessel2019,血船 Blood Vessel...
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羊崽羊惧(台),羊婴传说(港),Lamb,羊崽 Dýrið...
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雅各布之妻雅各布之妻 Jakob's Wife2021,雅各布之妻 Jakob's Wife...
养老庄园Welcome to the Blumhouse: The Manor,养老庄园 The Manor...
野兽的黎明野兽的黎明 Dawn of the Beast2021,野兽的黎明 Dawn of the Beast...
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异国阴宅他的家,异国阴宅 His House...
阴暗家族愈合 皮肤沃克,靈冤而厲(台),阴暗家族 Skin Walker...
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