午夜的柳枝 Midnight in the Switchgrass2021,午夜的柳枝 Midnight in the Switchgrass...
The Passenger,危险乘客 La pasajera...
谋杀游戏 This Game's Called Murder2021,谋杀游戏 This Game's Called Murder...
极限猎杀(台),靶场 Downrange...
Lanthe,暗黑灯塔 Dark Beacon...
驱魔失控(台),附身实验 The Possession Experiment...
厄梦娃娃屋(台),鬼域杀人事件(港),Incident in a Ghost Land,噩梦娃娃屋 Ghostland...
The Dwelling,恶床 Bed of the Dead...
灵异入侵7,鬼娃仪式(台),鬼娃森77(台),Chucky 7,Child’s Play 7,Curse of Chucky 2,鬼娃回魂7 Cult of Chucky...
五鬼拍门五之终极魔障,鬼追人5 Phantasm: Ravager...
航班666,666号航班 Flight 666...
阴诗咒(港),Musa,黑暗缪斯 Muse...
它在黑夜到访(台),黑夜造访 It Comes at Night...
林祭(港),黑森灵 The Ritual...
家庭血液 Family Blood2018,家庭血液 Family Blood...
英伦谜杀(台),英伦迷案,莱姆豪斯的杀人魔 The Limehouse Golem...
另一个灵魂 Another Soul2018,另一个灵魂 Another Soul...
她们的颤慄故事(台),女劫 XX...
魍美(台),Net I Die, Drop dead gorgeous,让我死 Net I Die...
31,三十一 31...