Vermines,Infested,魔蛛巢城(港),害虫 Vermin...
The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears,妖夜迷情 L'étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps...
An Ideal Place to Kill,Dirty Pictures,Oasis of Fear,恐惧的绿洲 Un posto ideale per uccidere...
Delitto del diavolo, Il,Queens of Evil,火の森,勾魂妖女 Le Regine...
The Advent Calendar,降灵日历 Le Calendrier...
逆流教师(港),失控班!(台),School’s Out,外出时刻 L'heure de la sortie...
双面特务(台),特工,Die Agentin,女特工 The Operative...
搭火车旅行好吃惊(台),坐火车旅行的好处,Traveling by Train,Advantages of Travelling by Train,坐火车旅行 Ventajas de viajar en tren...
Stronghold,北区侦缉队 Bac Nord...
血色月亮,颤栗,极异之情,爱定你 杀定你,High Tension,Switchblade Romance,高压电 Haute tension...
厄梦娃娃屋(台),鬼域杀人事件(港),Incident in a Ghost Land,噩梦娃娃屋 Ghostland...
阴诗咒(港),Musa,黑暗缪斯 Muse...