马鲁姆 Malum2023,马鲁姆 Malum...
Blade of the Ripper,The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh,妻子的罪恶 Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh...
Puzzle of Horrors,Double Face,欲海杀机 A doppia faccia...
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Death in Haiti,Tropic of Cancer,魂断太子港 Al tropico del cancro...
Spirits of Death,玛丽的白色连衣裙 Un bianco vestito per Marialé...
The Stendhal Syndrome,司汤达综合征,司汤达综合症 La sindrome di Stendhal...
Do You Like Hitchcock?,你喜欢希区柯克吗? Ti piace Hitchcock?...
An Ideal Place to Kill,Dirty Pictures,Oasis of Fear,恐惧的绿洲 Un posto ideale per uccidere...
Nine Guests for a Crime,一岛九命 Nove ospiti per un delitto...
凶险假期(港),贝克特,生而被杀,生来被谋杀,Born to Be Murdered,厄运假期 Beckett...
危安警戒(台),危安警戒 Security...
谜宫(台),进入迷宫,Into the Labyrinth,迷宫中的人 L'uomo del labirinto...
危城行動(台),零和一 Zeros and Ones...
地堡游戏 The Bunker Game2022,地堡游戏 The Bunker Game...