The Name of the Son,儿子的名字 El nombre del hijo...
幕后大亨(台),逆权庄家(港),银行家 The Banker...
鬱見真愛(台),永不言弃 No Letting Go...
SF Noir,另一街区 The Other Barrio...
老船匠 The Boat Builder2015,老船匠 The Boat Builder...
回头遇到爱 Love Finds You in Charm2015,回头遇到爱 Love Finds You in Charm...
逐梦之舞 Being Grace2021,逐梦之舞 Being Grace...
Full Time,Être en mouvement,全职 À plein temps...
保罗·摩菲,大奕棋家 The Opera Game...
超级礼物前传,超级人生 The Ultimate Life...
靛蓝 Indigo2013,靛蓝 Indigo...
特务谜云(台),谍债(港),L’Affaire Rachel Singer,罪孽 The Debt...
风雨骑手 Storm Rider2013,风雨骑手 Storm Rider...
Destination Home,惠特尼的绿苹果 The Greening of Whitney Brown...
圣诞节奇妙夜,Santa & Me,圣诞老人和我 Monster & Me...
Dangerous Attraction,危险吸引 Shadow of Fear...
我们之间 Between Us2012,我们之间 Between Us...
The Grand Son,美国宠物 American Pets...
平行时空,爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model...