西北边境,Flame Over India,Empress of India,Northwest Frontier,西北前线 North West Frontier...
灵犬莱西历险记,战火历险记 Courage of Lassie...
丁丁与金羊毛号之谜,丁丁与金羊毛,丁丁历险记:金毛号宝藏之迷 Tintin et le mystère de la Toison d'Or...
暗堡里的三恶人,武士勤王记,The Hidden Fortress,战国英豪 隠し砦の三悪人...
Desert Commandos,沙漠突击队 Attentato ai tre grandi...
The Prospector,Make Explorations,探秘者...
月宫宝盒,巴格达大盗,巴格达窃贼,巴格达的盗贼,巴格达妙贼 The Thief of Bagdad...
Victory Over Death,Ngadhënjim mbi vdekjen,宁死不屈 Gadhnjim mbi vdekjen...
铁玛坎淘金记,宝城艳姬 Legend of the Lost...
The Young Avengeress,十三妹...
夺命狂鲨(港),绝鲨岛(台),浅滩,滩涂,深水之下,In The Deep,鲨滩 The Shallows...
Windstorm 2,骏马奥斯温2 Ostwind 2...
印度之旅,印度之路,印度之行 A Passage to India...
精灵王国,Kingdom of the Fairies,The Kingdom of the Fairies,仙女国 Le royaume des fées...
龙虎盟 / 龙马精神 / 艾尔·杜拉多...
Mean Free Path...