The Generation of Evil,萬惡世代(台),邪恶一代 Piktųjų kartą...
Our Ties,我们的纽带 Les Miens...
The Flood Won’t Come,烽火幻劫(台),洪水不会来,洪水未至 Tvano nebus...
莱拉又来了 Yeniden Leyla2020,莱拉又来了 Yeniden Leyla...
波士顿绞杀手(台),The Boston Strangler,波士顿绞杀手 Boston Strangler...
Konets Sankt-Peterburga,The End of St. Petersburg,圣彼得堡的末日 Конец Санкт-Петербурга...
复兴,复生 Resurrection...
黑桃皇后,The Queen of Spades,Dama Pik,黑桃皇后 Дама Пик...
My Next Guest with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy2022,My Next Guest with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy...
最孤独的男孩 The Loneliest Boy in the World2022,最孤独的男孩 The Loneliest Boy in the World...
刹那的光辉 I Used to be Famous2022,刹那的光辉 I Used to be Famous...
为琴痴狂(台),钢琴之神 God of the Piano...
无人之地 No Man's Land2021,无人之地 No Man's Land...