横扫天下(台) / The Raid...
屠夫的灵媒娇妻 / 屠夫的妻子...
那年夏天最宁静的海 / 夏日,在寂静的海边 / A Scene at the Sea...
Legend of the Dragon...
战地情缘 / In the Lap of God...
Beyond's Diary...
尸王争霸 / Vampire kids...
尸王争霸 / Vampire kids...
魔鬼孩子王 / 幼稚园特警 / 幼儿特警...
You Bet Your Life...
Dances with the Dragon / Dance with the Dragon...
开心鬼5上错身 / Happy Ghost 5...
开心鬼5上错身 / Happy Ghost 5...
Daddy, Father, Papa...
Daddy, Father, Papa...
The Great Pretenders...