马可波罗返香都,马可波罗回香都 Marco Polo: Return to Xanadu...
魔比斯环3D,魔必尔斯环,魔比斯环 Thru the Moebius Strip...
Boonie Bears: Homeward Journey,熊出没之过年...
魁拔II,魁拔2,Kuiba II,魁拔之大战元泱界...
Jungle Master,绿林大冒险...
韶山少年:毛泽东的故事,Shaoshan Youths – The Story of Chairman Mao,Teenage Mao Zedong,少年毛泽东...
The Adventures of the Ugly Duckling,丑小鸭历险记...
The Ladybug,金龟子...
Two Little Pigs Braved Mysterious Island,两只小猪之勇闯神秘岛...
Police Car Union,警车联盟...
Magic Mirror 2,魔镜奇缘2...
Princess and the Kingdom,小公主艾薇拉与神秘王国...
新世代小英雄(港),未来世代(台),次世代伙伴(新),暴走吧!失忆超人,Next Gen,未来机器城...
奔月,飞奔去月球 Over the Moon...
奔月,飞奔去月球 Over the Moon...
Travel! Frog in the Shallow Well,Travel! Frog,旅行吧!井底之蛙...
Sinbad and Mermaid Princess,辛巴达与美人鱼公主...